The Campus Support Staff award goes to an individual that assists the principal and administration in creating a seamless campus. Mollie Havard, associate principal at Lufkin Middle School, helps with the day to day operations of the campus and is a valuable resource to the staff and students. Congratulations, Mollie Havard, as this year’s Campus Support Staff award winner.

The District Leadership Award goes to a campus principal. Principals set the tone for the campus and are essential to student success. Yaneth Clifton has gone above and beyond to create an environment where staff, students and parents feel welcome and engaged. Congratulations to Burley Primary principal, Yaneth Clifton, as this year’s winner of the District Leadership award.

The Administration Leadership Award goes to an individual whose work is valuable to the success of the district. Kathy Jost has worn many hats in the district and has done an exceptional job in each role. She has been a mentor to many and her wisdom has been invaluable to district leaders. Congratulations, Kathy Jost, as this year’s Administration Leadership Award recipient.

The District Support Staff Leadership award goes to an indvidual that touches each campus with care and support. Tonja Akridge, Lufkin ISD social worker, is the “go to” person when students need guidance and resources beyond help in the classroom. She helps families and students in need that many will never know about. Congratulations to Tonja Akridge, this year’s Support Staff Leadership award winner.