From left: Evan West and Aaliyah Fox hold up a picture of the graphic that will be on the wall in their classroom to log each state from where they receive a postcard.
Who doesn’t love to receive a Valentine’s card in the mail? The multi-age class at Dunbar Primary is hoping to receive at least 50 Valentine’s Day cards representing every state in the country.
“One of our student’s moms got the idea from a teacher in Vermont,” multi-age teacher Madison Kassaw said. “So we thought it would be fun to try.”
The class is going to track the location of each card received and color in each state on a large map in their classroom.
Second grader Evan West said he is going to ask his grandparents who live in New Mexico to send a post card. His favorite part about Valentine’s Day is making a box for the Valentine’s Day cards he will receive. He’s hoping for a card all the way from New York.
“I got excited,” second grader Aaliyah Fox said. “I was shocked — to think of all those states coming to us.”
Her favorite part of Valentine’s Day is the chocolate and she’s hoping that the class gets a card from the state of Alabama and Taylor Swift.
The students are asking to receive either a letter, post card, Valentine’s Day card (Aaliyah said candy is good, too) and mail to their classroom by Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14.
“There are so many lessons to learn from this project,” said multi-age teacher Kylie Robertson. “First, that a stranger you don’t even know can show you kindness. Second, that America in general has a big heart for education. And, of course, this project gives students real world experience.”
“It’s a lesson on receiving kindness and to give it back,” multi-age teacher Madison Kassaw said. “Make someone feel good just like someone made you feel.”
Both teachers agreed that the students were excited to hear about the project when they told them about it this morning.
“Families are getting involved,” Robertson said. “One student has a connection in Puerto Rico.”