At the Lufkin ISD Board Work Session today Eryn Avila, 7th grader at Lufkin Middle School, was recognized as the runner up winner of the Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest, a national contest sponsored by Optimum. Curt Allison, Market Engagement Manager, for Optimum presented Eryn with an iPad and a backpack of goodies. Mr. Allison said that there were 1,003 entries and Eryn won second place in the middle school division. The prompt was to write about someone who has inspired you and Eryn wrote the article about his mother Analorena Encarnacion, counselor of the GO Center at Lufkin High School, and how she helps students go to college.

From left: Andres Mijares; LMS Principal; Andra Self, Board Member; Lynn Torres, Superintendent; Analorena Encarnacion; Delphina Maxie, Board Member; Matt Knight, Board Member; Eryn Avila; Hall Henderson, Board President; Amy Rush, LMS teacher; Scott Skelton, Board Member; Allyson Langston, Board Secretary; Starla Phillips, LMS teacher; Kristi Gay, Board Vice President and Curt Allison, Optimum.