From left: Andy Adams, district photographer/webmaster/LHS yearbook adviser; Sheila Adams, Ex. Dir. of Communications; Connie Hobbs, PR Specialist
AUSTIN, TEXAS – Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) members from across the state received honors from the association for their outstanding work in education communications. The awards were announced at TSPRA’s annual Star Awards Celebration held February 24, 2021, at the Embassy Suites in Denton, Texas during the association’s 59th annual conference.
Each year, TSPRA recognizes communicators in school districts, education foundations, education associations, and organizations for their work in print and electronic media categories. This year, 1,406 entries were received. The entries are divided into three divisions based on the number of students the district, foundation or organizations serves – under 10,000 students; 10,000 to 30,000 students; and over 30,000 students. Independent judges evaluate and score each entry based on its own merit. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Stars are awarded based on set criteria.
Lufkin ISD submitted an entry in 5 categories and received 5 Gold Star Awards.
The categories include:
Sports photography True Grit by Andy Adams.
Print Materials in a Language other than English designed by Connie Hobbs
Logo/Trademark/Symbol concept by Sheila Adams, designed by Connie Hobbs
Original Art – Employee Baby Onesie designed by Connie Hobbs
Invitation for Christmas Reception designed by Connie Hobbs
The Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) is a nonprofit, professional organization dedicated to promoting public schools through effective communications. TSPRA was chartered in 1962 and incorporated in 1977. With more than 900 members, TSPRA is comprised primarily of public information and communications professionals who serve the public school districts and education organizations of Texas.