Daniel Lanigan, 6th grader at Lufkin Middle School, directed the board and visitors in the US and Texas pledges.
At the February school board meeting, the Lufkin ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2021-2022 academic school calendar. The first day of instruction will be on Thursday, Aug.12, 2021 and Lufkin High School Graduation on May 27, 2022.
“The legislature is in session, which may cause us to change the calendar, but for right now, we need one approved so we can start planning,” said LISD Supt. Lynn Torres.
In other items, the board approved applying for a waiver from TEA for missed school days due to inclement weather. The school district plans to submit a waiver tomorrow for cancelling school all last week and Monday of this week.
“This would allow us to not have to use our banked days or make up days. We will need to provide some sort of documentation. We have emails and news articles. It’s not hard to prove to anyone living in Texas the extent of this water event and weather event,” said Torres.
The board approved a resolution to pay employees who were unable to come to work during the inclement weather as well as approving the extension of administrators’ contracts.
In other news, Sheila Adams, Executive Director of Communications, mentioned that the district received a gold rating in five categories at the Texas School Public Relations (TSPRA) conference this week. Those categories included sports photography by Andy Adams, LHS Yearbook Advisor and district photographer, and original art by Connie Hobbs, PR Specialist. Ms. Adams informed the board that LHS junior Carter Wood will be traveling to state diving competition in San Antonio this weekend.
The board meeting was kicked off with the US and Texas pledges led by LMS 6th grader Daniel Lanigan who is working toward receiving his badges in Boy Scouts of America.