Dual en Acción, a new service club for students enrolled in the Dual Language program, participated in their second community service event creating an outdoor classroom. Students from Burley Primary, Slack Elementary, and Lufkin Middle School, along with their parents, helped out with the development of the outdoor classroom at Slack Elementary. Tasks included planting flowers, re-painting a chicken coop, litter pick up, and building a new shed.

The goals of the service club are to provide mentorship between primary and secondary grade levels in the Dual Language program; give back to the community by creating and performing various acts of service; and utilize the Spanish language in community settings.  The club plans to create a service-conscious group of students who will develop into leaders and doers in not only their schools, but their community. The group is led by parents, teachers, and administrators who serve the community in various ways. For more information, click here.