Scott Walters was hired as the ACE Principal. He is pictured with the Lufkin ISD board, his wife, Reasha, and their son, Eli.
At tonight’s Lufkin ISD board meeting, Scott Walters was announced as the principal for the alternative (ACE) campus. His wife, Reasha Walters, attended the meeting with their 7-year-old son Eli. Their daughter, Claire, who will be a sophomore next year, was not present. In other hires, Ashley Martin was named softball head coach; Hunter Russell will be the high school cross-country coach; and Kristie Russell, is the LHS head cheerleader coach and math teacher.
The board hired Goodwin-Lasiter Strong as the architectural firm for the bond project. Mark Strong, said, “We’re super excited and humbled. We’re ready to hit the ground running. We have about ten items to work with the district in the next few days. We’re very excited and can’t wait to get to work on it.” The motion carried with Mr. Hall Henderson and Mrs. Kristi Gay abstaining from the vote.
The board of trustees approved the student code of conduct as well as a resolution to canvas non-graduates from before the 2011-12 school year who did not receive their high school diploma due to the TAKS test. The district may now use other criteria to earn the credit and forego the TAKS assessment. With this resolution, the district can move ahead on finding past students who would like to go back to receive their high school diploma.
In safety and security measures, the board voted to approve the following:
Hiring of two additional parking guards at the Lufkin Middle School.
Purchasing five rifles that will be locked and stored in secure areas.
Installing keyless entry at Lufkin High School using biometrics to limit access. It will require a fingerprint and not an ID card to ensure safety on the campus.
Adding a canine to be utilized to sniff out explosives and drugs across the district. Paul Jackson, who was a canine officer at Lufkin PD, will become a canine officer for Lufkin ISD. The dog won’t be a ‘take down’ dog or a bite dog but can sniff out contraband.
Board President, Scott Skelton, said, “We want our police officers to be equipped with the best security measures possible.”
Board member Hall Henderson thanked the police department for being forward-thinking to make our campuses safe.