2018-19 school year (based on 187 days)

Experience level Bachelor’s degree
0 $41,000
1 $41,715
2 $42,436
3 $42,860
4 $43,258
5 $43,756
6 $44,312
7 $44,589
8 $45,143
9 $45,698
10 $46,252
11 $46,807
12 $47,361
13 $48,459
14 $49,053
15 $49,347
16 $50,223
17 $51,044
18 $52,087
19 $53,102
20 $54,128

Salaries listed above are based on 10-month employment. Salary plans are for one year only and used for placement of new hires.
Salary steps do not represent future salaries for returning teachers.
Salary advancement is based on the annual pay raise budget approved by the Board of Trustees.


🏢 Human Resource Services
Lufkin ISD Administration Office
101 Cotton Square
Lufkin, TX 75901
☎️ (936) 630-4300
🗓 Monday-Friday
🕚 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.