Lufkin ISD is one of the 97 recipients of a $1 million Stronger Connections Grant. The grant is provided by USDE, Authorizing Legislation:  Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Title II School Improvement Programs (BSCA) and is funded through Sept. 30, 2025.

“This grant will provide funding for Brandon Elementary, Lufkin Middle School and Lufkin High School to support the academic and nonacademic needs of students,” Cindy Tierney, Executive Director of Student Services & Federal Programs, said. “By providing safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments, this grant will help in academic achievement as well as mental, behavioral, emotional and physical health and well-being of students.”

Some of the processes the grant will establish will be:

  • Build a Student Support Program to address school climate and establish a student support team structure aligned to the training and support provided by the Texas Center for Student Supports and the regional ESC.
  • Create a parent, student and staff advisory committee to provide input on the establishment of the Student Support Program.
  • Incorporate a case management system into the student support team structure aligned to the training and support provided by the Texas Center for Student Supports.
  • Hire a full-time project director to focus on student needs and program requirements.
  • Create local partnerships with Licensed Professional Counselors to provide intensive counseling.

“We are pleased to receive this grant and the opportunities it will provide our students and parents,” Kurt Stephens, Deputy Superintendent, said. “We know the importance of addressing the socio-emotional needs of our students, and this grant provides the much needed financial support to put processes and resources in place to help our students be successful.”

This grant is part of the Texas Education Agency’s Safe and Supportive School Program initiative.

To find out more, click here.